For Support & Enquiries : 033-6906 6200
You have reached the website of a SEBI authorised Category I Registrars and Share Transfer Agent. We are one of the most experienced and reliable Share Transfer Agents in India. We take pride in ourselves on providing customer satisfaction and giving individual attention to our client's need. Every employee is dedicated to the service of our clients. We provide all necessary inputs to make your shareholder record accessible meaningful and dependable. To know more about us, please visit other pages of the site.
Please also visit the detailed list of our customers, which shows that the prestigious and multinational companies have reposed faith on us to handle their most sensitive and secure information.
For our selected corporate clients, to receive various updates on MIS, please Log in with your company name and the password already provided to you for instant access to your page. You may also take print out of the desired reports.
If you are a Share/Debenture/FD holder of our corporate clients, for customer service and redressal of your complaints please visit 'Investor Parlour' page and register your query for early disposal.
Founded by world-renowned Consultancy firm Price Waterhouse & Co. With blessings of the promoters, the company soon built up goodwill and reputation to attract a number of blue chip multinational companies into its fold.
Rich heritage provides Total Quality Performance i.e. Understanding clients and their requirements and fulfill the same without error, on time – every time. As part of this strong lineage, our operation upholds the tradition of top quality and dedicated services to the demanding and ever growing clientele.
Guided and led by professionals in relevant fields. Unique track record of maintaining cordial client relationship. Not a single man-hour lost since inception – which ensures timely execution. All the employees testifying to their collective harmony and dedication in providing effective services to the clients. It is the continuing endeavor to develop the work force through training and create opportunities for career-long professional growth. We are proud to be a preferred employer.
Over 5000 Sq.Ft. office space at the heart of the city. Adequate Storage & Godown space. NSDL & CDSL connectivity through MPLS supported by adequate Hardware/Software facility/manpower.
Liaison office at Mumbai for better co-ordination with statutory authorities and client servicing.
To be the most prestigious Registrars & Share Transfer Agents with a national presence. This is measured by the values, which we deliver to our clients and by our strength and spirit as an organization.
Our mission is to provide leadership in maintaining and improving the deliverables to our Clients. We demonstrate our commitment to this by providing quality services through state of the art technologies.